

sorry, mam, you cant park there ... fuckin hilarious - http://zattevrienden.realroot.be/depanneren.htmand .. it seems just about all of the 49% of us who voted kerry are apologizing to the world - http://www.sorryeverybody.com/



my mind is a lake of obsidiandark, deep, inpenetrable, unknownabsorbing the infinate skyreflecting its surroundingsnever placid, yet never steadysincere in deceitcontinually evolving, yet never progressingeffected by external forceslike a pebble tossed into the waterthe unrestricted ripples radiating throughoutthe entire lake for eternity.


A he...

A heartbreaking story of love and sex as depicted by road signs: http://www.link-through.com/new_car_road_signs/Weird experiments to mess with your microwave's head: http://www.amasci.com/weird/microexp.htmlAlso, please check out the new (and still under contruction) site that Ingrid and I are building for our Call To The Masses project- http://www.freewebs.com/calltothemasses/index.htmYou can also join our email list/group by going to - http://groups.msn.com/CallToTheMassesSo much shit goin on right now. I dont know how to handle busy-ness. And busy-ness for me means less than 6-10 hours of doing nothing per day.


a letter from my friend:

hello all.some of you i know, some of you i don't (i copied email addresses off of other mail sent to me by friends and threw you in my list of contacts. sorry, but this is important.) to those i don't know, let me introduce myself. my name is ingrid, i live in connecticut in the U.S. i'm a poet, musician and artist who's tryin to find a creative and effective way of channeling this sense of urgency i feel about the state of my nation into a compelling and motivating message that can be delivered to the masses, particularly the younger generations. i have included in the list of recipients those of older generations, specifically the baby-boomers, as you are veterans of the vietnam-era peace movements and demonstrations and may be able to provide insight and ideas for those of us (such as myself) who feel the need to "do something" but don't know what. i'm not sure if any of the people on this list are republicans, and if you are, i'm not sorry for the contents of this message in the least.as you all know, "president" bush has been "re-elected" (need i explain the quotations?). this comes as a crushing defeat to the true voice of the american people, people who thought there was still a hint of democracy left in the nation that gave birth to that ideaology. i am, as i'm sure many of you are, now left with a head swirling with questions and doubt. there is no doubt in my mind that the election was rigged, stolen (again) from the people, and now the next four years are looking very much like one long nightmare. with the mess in iraq, women's rights on the line, gay rights being erased and the constitution being ammended, tax cuts for the wealthy, bush in a term when he appoints new justices to the supreme court (god save us), the government diving deeper into secrecy, the media being more than twisted, and the list goes on and on and on...one can't help but feel helpless. i for one, fear the world that will be left for my children and their children. so what can be done?we all know that one of the biggest problems facing our nation starts here, with us. the lack of awareness and presence of ignorance in this country is outstanding. some of us know all the details about the stolen election of 2000, bush's ties to the saudi royals, cheney's ties to halliburton, the political agenda behind the "war on terror", the atrocities of the patriot act, and the list goes on and on and on....and some of us don't. most of the country has no clue. ignorance is the most dangerous enemy we face today, and the secret weapon of the administration. it's one of the reasons bush "won" the popular vote (i quote 'won' because there is new information coming out about the results of the vote). are you aware that 70 PERCENT (let me say that again...70 PERCENT) of bush supporters believe that the U.S. has come up with CLEAR EVIDENCE that saddam hussein was working closely with al qaeda??? ONE THIRD of bush-ites believe WMD were FOUND in iraq. and OVER A THIRD of them think that the majority of the world opinion SUPPORTS the american invasion of iraq. ABSOLUTELY APPALLING. i read this and i hung my head. "how can this be? is this country that stupid? don't they pay attention???" i guess not.not only is our population simply unaware, but we are being bullied by the most powerful government in the world. in the "land of the free", our democracy is being undermined and robbed from us at every turn. our votes are bought, sold or stolen or they're influenced by fear and lies. a few (and JUST a few) examples :- in black neighborhoods in swing states during the campaign this year, republicans mailed fliers to residents stating that if a voter who had a minor violation (unpaid ticket, etc.) or even had family member with a minor violation on their record, they would be arrested at the polls. - in the state of ohio, in democratic precincts, there was ONE voting machine per 1000 VOTERS, making lines 11 hours long. in other prectincts, there was one per 84. - electronic voting machines (touch screen) that left no paper trail for recount. these machines were also registering votes for kerry as votes for bush. this was reported but nothing was done.- in franklin county, ohio, 4,000 votes for bush were reported in a precinct that had less than 800 voters.- in cuyahoga county, official results included 90,000 votes- over 90,000 absentee and military ballots were never countedand again, the list goes on and on and on...geez...that explains how bush got the popular vote, doesn't it? so, here we are. we have an ignorant population and a bully for a government. what can be done?educate the people. i have had a few ideas rolling around in my head, and these have certainly been infused and fueled by conversations i've had with other revolutionary thinkers. so i'm asking for more fuel. more infusion. i'm asking you all to work with me. we can't sit back and watch the reconstruction of america and the destruction of democracy. three ideas emily and i have had that i think could really work if everyone did a small part:1. Stickers. simple as that. there are several websites that sell "educational stickers" (hey, i think they're educational...) in bulk for cheap. buy em, and stick it up. stick up entire towns, get people to think a little. a couple of my favorites were "Fortified With 100% Pure Iraqi Blood" (for gas pumps) and "Ballot Box" (for garbage cans). things like this will make people ask questions. this is a beginning. (posters and spray paint would work well too.)2. Music. i tried recently to start a project that no one seemed to jump into. but now that the mailing list is a little (a lot) longer, maybe it'll have a bit more success this time around. i asked for people to send me lyrics, poetry, thoughts, whatever about the issues facing our country and world (ex: bush, abortion rights, the war, gov't secrecy, etc.) so i could weave them into songs. this way, when i sing them, it wouldn't be just my voice but the voice of many. it would make them that much more powerful. record the songs. distribute. play. this would be an excellent way to reach younger generations. 3. Make them a newspaper they can read. this is what i really want your help with. there are people on this list who live on the east coast, west coast, other states and other countries. i know there are some from canada and one from thailand. this is powerful in itself. my mom and i were talking one morning about the lack of young voters in the elections and she told me that i am unique in my generation. i asked her why and she said "you read the NY Times every morning. do you know anyone else your age who does that?" no. i don't. everyone should. we should be aware of what is happening around us. it's irresponsible not to. that's how bush-ites remain ignorant. that's one of the reasons our country is in a downward spiral. so...we write a paper that is more youth-friendly. granted, it's been done before, but this could be NATIONAL is we work together...even multi-national. true, there are underground newspapers everywhere, but this would be coordinated. united. that would be the difference. now, i have 31 recipients of this email. that's 31 articles. you each get one other person to write an aritcle and that 62. (duh...) multiply that...and multiply that... we got a paper and a half. the details will be worked out as we move forward, but what i have in my head is; cool drawings and photographs, information "translated" (if you will) to be tailored to the target audience, and facts, facts, facts. we could publish information about protests, rallies and boycotts. things i need now:- to know who's in and who's out. if i don't know you, tell me who you are, where you are, and what you want to do. i need editors, writers, artists, recruiters, distributors. you get the idea. if you only want or can do a small part, fine. any and all help is welcome.- information. to be perfectly honest with you all, i've never done anything like this before, so i need to know, i need to know! if anyone knows anything about publishing, let me know. i need to know the most efficient and cost effective way to print something like this. there won't be a central printing area - whoever decides to head up the area they're in will take care of that. - if you're interested in taking charge of your region (your state or your...ummm...section? of the country you live in... i don't know what the equivalent to a state is in other countries) =) - any other ideas or thoughts you have. please. share. - for you to pass this ENTIRE message on to ANYONE you even THINK would be interested. let it grow.there. now i feel better. =) thank you for taking the time to read this, and thank you in advance for joining forces. remember - there IS strength in numbers. so let's multiply. this is long overdue. we've sat back long enough. much love and respectingrid emelia*steelstrings*(r)evolutionIF YOUR INTERESTED, YOU CAN EMAIL INGRID AT steelstrings007@hotmail.comOR EMAIL ME AT voide@comcast.net