
In my 2nd cl...

In my 2nd class today - Indigenous Approaches to Sustainability (which sounds like it should be an awesome class, but drones on for 3 hours and we are all miserable, not to mention the course is extremely disorganized and 99% of our assignments are not on the syllabus, and the requirement for our projects are vague and missing things - like the fact you have to include a paper!) grrr. that class pisses me off so bad.anyways, what i was getting at - during our 5 minute break i was smokin a cig, and it started snowing. it had been raining pretty hard all day. so i went and stood under the 1-inch ledge with a kid from my class, who is fucking HOT. But i never was really interested in him because he seemed like an arrogant prick, tho some of the things he has said in class have intrigued me somewhat, like "Does it even really matter (or is it too late) if we try to save the Earth? Why not just let ourselves run amok and kill ourselves off?" Which are some of the thoughts i have, tho there is the other side always debating with myself of course, that we need to at least make it possible for the earth to heal itself after humans are gone ..So, here we are, huddled under the weenie ledge, making small talk ... get to talking about where we are from ... he's from Mass, i tell him i went to a theraputic lockdown boarding school in west stockbridge .. and his eyes pop out of his head. "You didnt, by any chance, go to DeSisto, did you?" he asks. Now MY eyes pop out of my head - "Yup" ... He almost falls down -"Holy shit, i graduated from there!"BOOM - instant bond. It was like an adopted child finally meeting their real parents for the first time. Running into someone randomly, in Boulder of all places, who went through that hellish ordeal which is impossible to try to explain to anyone who hasnt been there, was the most miraculous thing. All of a sudden he stopped being an arrogant prick and became soft and vulnerable, a companion, someone who could undertand, a friend.

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