
Look o...

Look on the bright side - 17 reasons not to slit your wrists by Michael Moore


hmm, too bad im a treesexual.

Falaphiliafa·la·phil·i·a n.1. Obsessive fascination with ground spiced chickpeas shaped into balls and fried.2. Erotic attraction to or sexual contact with garbanzo beans, coriander, and cumin.3. An abnormal fondness for being in the presence of Middle Eastern foods. Also called taboulehmania, hummulingus.4. Sexual contact with or erotic desire for a falafel.-from Disinformation


Go ...

Go see my NEW Colorado Collection pics (still just starting, ive got about 50 rolls of film to get converted to digital - 35mm 4eva bitch!)
And while your there, check the Costa Rica pics if ya havent yet.



(R)Evolution is MY word! _I_ invented it. I guess alot of other people did too. Im seeing it everywhere lately. Magazines, online articles, blogs ... Oh well.On another note, my car got broken into yesterday night. The only thing i know for sure that im missing is my buttloads of change. They tried to take my cd changer but it looks like they couldnt figure out how to detach it, and thanks to my superb laziness, all my cds were inside the house because id been putting off changing them up in the cartridge for like 2 weeks now. Im sure im missing other stuff, but i cant figure out what, so i guess its not that important. And thank goodness they left Penelope alone. Im kinda bugged about it ... Ive never been the rob-ee before. Had to check that my car was locked 3 times last night, and everytime i heard a sound outside i had to get up and check my livingroom. I know its kinda silly.


I ju...

I just got this in my email. Its a report of what happened in Ohio by a very respectable man, who is a close friend of one of my friend's fathers. I didnt include his name or anything because i wasnt sure if he wanted that broadcast around the internet.>I worked for 3 days, including Election Day, on the statewide voter >protection hotline run by the Ohio Democratic Party in Columbus, Ohio.>>I am writing this because the media is inexplicably whitewashing what >happened in Ohio, and Kerry's concession was likewise inexplicable.>>Hundreds of thousands of people were disenfranchised in Ohio. People waited >on line for as long as 10 hours. It appears to have only happened in >Democratic-leaning precincts, principally (a) precincts where many African >Americans lived, and (b) precincts near colleges.>>I spoke to a young man who got on line at 11:30 am and voted at 7 pm. When >he left at 7 pm, the line was about 150 voters longer than when he'd >arrived, which meant those people were going to wait even longer. In fact >they waited for as much as 10 hours, and their voting was concluded at >about 3 am. The reason this occurred was that they had 1 voting station per >1000 voters, while the adjacent precinct had 1 voting station per 184. Both >precincts were within the same county, and managed by the same county board >of elections. The difference between them is that the privileged polling >place was in a rural, solidly republican, area, while the one with long >lines was in the college town of Gambier, OH.>>Lines of 4 and 5 hours were the order of the day in many African-American >neighborhoods.>>Touch screen voting machines in Youngstown OH were registering "George W. >Bush" when people pressed "John F. Kerry" ALL DAY LONG. This was reported >immediately after the polls opened, and reported over and over again >throughout the day, and yet the bogus machines were inexplicably kept in >use THROUGHOUT THE DAY.>>Countless other frauds occurred, such as postcards advising people of >incorrect polling places, registered Democrats not receiving absentee >ballots, duly registered young voters being forced to file provisional >ballots even though their names and signatures appeared in the voting >rolls, longtime active voting registered voters being told they weren't >registered, bad faith challenges by Republican "challengers" in Democratic >precincts, and on and on and on.>>I was very proud of the way so many Ohioans fought so valiantly for their >right to vote, and would not be turned away. Many, however, could not spend >the entire day and were afraid of losing their jobs, due to the severe >economic depression hitting Ohio.>>I do not understand why Kerry conceded and did not fight to ensure that all >Ohioans would have a chance to vote, and for their vote to be counted.


okay, okay, *deep ...

okay, okay, *deep breath*I gave it all day for some conspiracy to leak out, but there isnt much. I guess we'll know in a year or so.So we're stuck with Bush again. How dreadful.But there is a brighter side to the eve of the apocolypse:Im expecting the other 56 million of you (at least) to get out and stand up and fight.We can hold him accountable.Its up to us.If Bush hadnt fucked up so badly in the first place, I would have never gotten off my ass and cared about what happened outside my mirrored bubble. I would have never realized what was really important to me. I would have never realized how we can change the world. I would have never fought for what i believe in. Thank You, G-Dubya, for helping me to see just how fucked up we are.In the wake of destruction, there is a calm where creation can be born. check out this article - http://www.gnn.tv/articles/article.php?id=806


"History s...

"History shows if the Washington Redskins lose Sunday, John Kerry will be the next president. Since 1936, ... the incumbent party has lost the White House if the Redskins lost their home game preceding the election." - Boulder Daily CameraAnd on Sunday, the Redskins lost 28-14 to the Packers.Now, I am officially anti-sports, but I cant help but hope the prediction holds.Things are looking iffy - http://www.electoral-vote.com/Its close. So i know, i hate it too, (but what else is there to do at this point?), just get out and vote for the lesser of two evils.Tho, who knows if it will count? Remember all the things that happened in Florida 2000? Im not JUST talking about the whole chads thing, there was alot more to it - http://www.alternet.org/story/10562/ and http://www.gregpalast.com/detail.cfm?artid=217&row=2If anyone gives you any shit about voting, call 1-866-our-voteSorry to annoy you even more.I figure i got to try and do things the right way first. And if that doesnt work, there is always .... other methods. *grins evilly*In the meantime, ill eat my pot cookies and look at the snow that fell last night.


I ...

I just got home from Denver ... where I attended the BEST FUCKING CONCERT THAT COULD CONCIVEABLY EXIST IN THIS PLANE OF EXISTENCE. Wow. Blew my mind. It was Colonel Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains. Yes, that means Les Claypool on bass, Buckethead on guitar, Bernie Worrell (of parliament funkadelic) on keyboard and random strange intruments, Brain on drums (and assorted other percussion, like one of those kiddie dinging keyboard thingies, and a gong..) and some chick called Gabby Lala or somethin, who opened for them and also joined in on some parts of the song (i say song because this show ran like a jamband.. one continuous song for 4 hours) with things like a sitar and an accordion. Are you impressed yet? To learn a little more about it - http://www.lesclaypool.com/c2b3/ So, collaboration of brilliant artists of different styles, all IMPROVISED on the spot. Word.I tried to capture as much of it as i could by calling my brother and recording it on his answering machine. He started to get pissed after a bit because its 2 hours later in CT and he was tryin to sleep, and everytime the machine cut me off, i just called right back and continued on recording. Aside from the fact that i still have no friends so i went completely alone, and also when i got back to my car my rear bumper was dented, covered in blue-black paint, and my tail light out ... i had an absolutely pimpin time. The only thing that could have made it better would be to have added a Trent Reznor or a Mike Patton. Mmmmmmhmmm.

"The ...

"The chief obstacle to the progress of the human race is the human race." - Don Marquis

and you thou...

and you thought humans were the only ones who jerked off?http://www.manaszk.it.pl/zarty/2911.mpgnot recommended for those with a slow connection, those who are easily offended or sexually unstable.