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I just got this in my email. Its a report of what happened in Ohio by a very respectable man, who is a close friend of one of my friend's fathers. I didnt include his name or anything because i wasnt sure if he wanted that broadcast around the internet.>I worked for 3 days, including Election Day, on the statewide voter >protection hotline run by the Ohio Democratic Party in Columbus, Ohio.>>I am writing this because the media is inexplicably whitewashing what >happened in Ohio, and Kerry's concession was likewise inexplicable.>>Hundreds of thousands of people were disenfranchised in Ohio. People waited >on line for as long as 10 hours. It appears to have only happened in >Democratic-leaning precincts, principally (a) precincts where many African >Americans lived, and (b) precincts near colleges.>>I spoke to a young man who got on line at 11:30 am and voted at 7 pm. When >he left at 7 pm, the line was about 150 voters longer than when he'd >arrived, which meant those people were going to wait even longer. In fact >they waited for as much as 10 hours, and their voting was concluded at >about 3 am. The reason this occurred was that they had 1 voting station per >1000 voters, while the adjacent precinct had 1 voting station per 184. Both >precincts were within the same county, and managed by the same county board >of elections. The difference between them is that the privileged polling >place was in a rural, solidly republican, area, while the one with long >lines was in the college town of Gambier, OH.>>Lines of 4 and 5 hours were the order of the day in many African-American >neighborhoods.>>Touch screen voting machines in Youngstown OH were registering "George W. >Bush" when people pressed "John F. Kerry" ALL DAY LONG. This was reported >immediately after the polls opened, and reported over and over again >throughout the day, and yet the bogus machines were inexplicably kept in >use THROUGHOUT THE DAY.>>Countless other frauds occurred, such as postcards advising people of >incorrect polling places, registered Democrats not receiving absentee >ballots, duly registered young voters being forced to file provisional >ballots even though their names and signatures appeared in the voting >rolls, longtime active voting registered voters being told they weren't >registered, bad faith challenges by Republican "challengers" in Democratic >precincts, and on and on and on.>>I was very proud of the way so many Ohioans fought so valiantly for their >right to vote, and would not be turned away. Many, however, could not spend >the entire day and were afraid of losing their jobs, due to the severe >economic depression hitting Ohio.>>I do not understand why Kerry conceded and did not fight to ensure that all >Ohioans would have a chance to vote, and for their vote to be counted.

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