

(R)Evolution is MY word! _I_ invented it. I guess alot of other people did too. Im seeing it everywhere lately. Magazines, online articles, blogs ... Oh well.On another note, my car got broken into yesterday night. The only thing i know for sure that im missing is my buttloads of change. They tried to take my cd changer but it looks like they couldnt figure out how to detach it, and thanks to my superb laziness, all my cds were inside the house because id been putting off changing them up in the cartridge for like 2 weeks now. Im sure im missing other stuff, but i cant figure out what, so i guess its not that important. And thank goodness they left Penelope alone. Im kinda bugged about it ... Ive never been the rob-ee before. Had to check that my car was locked 3 times last night, and everytime i heard a sound outside i had to get up and check my livingroom. I know its kinda silly.

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